Organic Standards of Farming
Our Certifications
Our certificates that ensure that our farming methods are 100% organic for 2019 to 2020.

Our Process
The process that our community farmers take in order to be certified as an organic farm.

1. Interviewing members of the community
We interview members of the community in order to find out volunteers who are willing to practice organic methods of farming. After talking to everyone in the community, we compile a list of names of the volunteer in order to set up classes to inform them about organic standards of farming.

2. Preparing Production Teams
Combining individuals with similar work ethics into one single team.

3. organic standards of farming practices course
Organic Farming course summary:
- Everything that is not allowed to be used in organic agriculture.
- Everything that is allowed to be used in organic agriculture.
At the end of the course, two to three team leaders are picked to be representatives and become auditors of each team

4. Training for team representatives
Once team representatives are chosen, we have to inform them about their duties and responsibilities in auditing members of their groups.

5. Identity code for households
Have their identity codes on display on the walls of their house, or anywhere that is easy to identify.

6. Storage Facility
Each team member must build a storage facility for producing organic composts, natural pesticides, and farming tools.

7. Plan out the outline of the farm
It is recommended to map out the structure of the farm for ease of irrigation systems and to be shielded from external influences. Everything should be labelled and easily understandable.

8. Keeping records and mapping out the farm.
- Records of planting, farming and harvesting.
- Records for production of organic compost, natural pesticides and usage.
- Records of financial transactions.
Map out your farm

9. Membership Application
Apply to become a member of the organic farming community.

10. Testing the water content