From Subsistence to Success
A Fruitful Farming Model

Khmer Organic’s contract farming model has been a fruitful endeavor since its conception. The 1000 small scale farmers involved in the program have not only become business partners with Khmer Organic but also entrepreneurs equipped with agribusiness acumen able to make deals with other buyers themselves.
The success of this program can be shown through the case of Mr. Choub Phan, 68, who lives with his wife and three young grandchildren in Koh Peam Raing village, Prey Veng. Although his income is but $1000 USD/year, he shared that his old age makes it difficult for him to earn enough to support his family. He owns a small plot of land where he grows sweet corn, eggplant, pepper, and rice, but without adequate materials and technical know-how, Mr. Choub’s Phan’s efforts never produced sufficient yields.
His keen desire to grow organic produce and limited experience in agriculture made him a perfect candidate for the Market and Capacity Development project. After attending training programs and receiving technical and educational assistance (with the support of Heifer International Cambodia), he became a producer member in 2018 and has since been growing organic vegetables.
Not only that, the technical skills Mr. Choub Phan picked up also produced better yields. Today, he is one of our 17 producer members certified under Control Union (NOP regulation), with a successfully established 600m2 commercial vegetable farm that produces a hefty 120 kg of leafy vegetables per week.
Armed with new knowledge of environmental sustainability, Mr. Choub Phan’s family produces compost out of organic waste and disposes of other waste properly and uses natural pesticides and fertilizers instead of chemical ones. As a result of access to healthy food and cleaner and more sanitary living conditions, their living conditions improved.
Additionally, thanks to the improved farming techniques and continued support by the project, Mr. Choub Phan now earns an income of $120 per month, a huge difference to him and his family. He and his wife are investing their profits in their grandchildrens’ education so that they can find well-paying jobs and live better lives.
The results of those who participated in the Market and Capacity Development project have always been remarkable. Mr. Choub Phan is not alone in having big plans for the future, and thanks to the Market and Capacity Development project, he and many others like him are well on their way to realizing those goals.