Khmer Organic Cooperative’s CSR activities originate from the company’s core values, beliefs, missions, and visions. Our business model is based on principles of seeking positive, sustainable change. We believe that responsible business links people, planet, profits, processes, and long-term benefits are vital.
Our main CSR activities are dedicated to: work with smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods and empower sustainable food production; Promote women in agriculture to empower gender equality; Organic farming practices- to further develop and promote green regenerative agriculture in Cambodia for better health of our farmers and consumers, environmental benefits and socio-economic development of the country; We do this work with the help of various development and business partner’s and dedication of our employees.

Pisey Sovan Tlang, CEO, Khmer Organic Cooperative also described her passion for doing business, despite her family background in the medical field and after enrolling in different sectors.
Pisey decided to choose agriculture due to her passion for business and observation of the huge number of local farmers, cooperatives, and natural resources in supporting organic agriculture growth.

Together with Khmer Organic Cooperative Co., Ltd and Oxfam in Cambodia, CSR Asia organized the second session of the Responsible Agribusiness Roundtable series in Phnom Penh today.
CSR Asia’s Richard Welford gave an overview of the agribusiness challenges faced in ASEAN and highlighted opportunities for ensuring sustainable agribusiness growth via the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.